easy paragraph / small paragraph / short paragraph/ internet paragraph--->

 Internet Paragraph
The world is bcoming smller day by day, with the blessings of scince. It is latest discourcy of scince. There are two kinds of internet:
(1) One line internet
(2) Of line internet.
 Internet useally gets connection from three net working systems.
(1) L.A.N
(2) M.A.N
(3) W.A.N
* Local area net work.
** Matro polition area network.
*** World wide area net work.

Now a days an internet is of great use to us. Now a man can communicate through internet very soon. A students sitting in his reading room can use the london library, and can collect information  a business man can see the condition of the world market, easily by useing internet. So We are proud of living in the modern scince because it works like aladin magic lamp.